It's been a while since I've last written anything in English here. I've decided to change that and write an English post at least once a month. It's going to be about what Ania has been doing during the previous month.
I know that it's already the end of September and maybe I should start with this month, but as the school year starts in Taiwan in August I will also start with that month. This way these posts will help me in organizing Ania's homeschooling records.
The main project that Ania worked on in August was about Chopin. We read a lot of books about the composer and listened to many hours of his music. More about the project HERE (in Polish, but with many photos).
Another project that Ania was continuing working on was about Poland.
HERE you can find out more about how "being Polish" is "taught" in our home school.
During August we went to see a few places.
Northern coast
Yangming Catholic Church |
After many, many months Ania could finally go back to her scouting troop.
The August outing was to Wulai, up the cable car and hiking upstream.
We also managed to find a few caches. We found geocaches in Taipei, in Keelung and on Yangming Shan. More about the Geocaching in Taiwan
Music and Arts
Jaś' band U18 had a first big performance which went really well.
We also visited an art exhibition by two talented homeschoolers, Karina and Angellina.
All kinds of fun things
Last month Ania took hold of Rubik's Cube. With the help of the Internet she has learned how to solve both 3x3x3 and 2x2x2. Now whenever Ania has a minute she plays with the cube.
Ania has also put together a 'robotic hand':
and a few puzzles:
She also had a belated birthday party for which she wrote special invitation cards to her friends:
It was time for an eye check-up (no changes).
We also found some time to play a few board games.
And of course there was time to read a few books:
Last day of August was also the first day of school. As every year Ania went to school for that day (or rather for just an hour). She met the new homeclass teacher and her new classmates.
Of course beside all those fun things Ania was also doing some "real school work". Every day she had math and two of the languages - Chinese, English or Polish. She also learned Polish history, biology, science, geography etc. She has also practiced piano for at least an hour a day.
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