Jak wspomniałam w poprzednim wpisie TUTAJ, od wielu lat nie miałam okazji rozkoszować oczu wiosennymi widokami, a w szczególności wiosennymi kwiatami. Dla Ani widok tych kwiatów był zupełną nowością (o innych nowościach możecie poczytać TUTAJ). Dlatego też poniżej znajdziecie dużą porcję zdjęć mniej lub bardziej znanych wiosennych kwiatów.
Last week Jaś has been very busy working on the animal classification lapbook. Lately it's been very difficult to get him interested in doing any kind of project, but to my surprise he has finished this lapbook in just a few days! I am really proud of him. I used a ready lapbook template from the wonderful Homeschool Share website, but I asked Jaś to writ all the information in his own handwriting instead of just printing the prepared text. Here are the photos of his lapbook: Jaś adding the finishing touches to the lapbook cover: Lapbook cover: The inside of the lapbook: Inside 'Classifying Living Things ': Animals with and without backbones are called: Inside 'What are the four main Invertebrate Classes?': Inside 'What are the five Vertebrate Classes?': Mollusk characteristics Annelid characteristics: Arthropod characteristics: Echinoderm characteristics: Fish characteristics: Reptile char...
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