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The Museum of Warsaw - a place worth visiting

I've lived in Warsaw most of my life and never before have I visited The Museum of Warsaw (or the old Historical Museum of Warsaw), until today.

The new museum opened after extensive renovations just a few years ago, in 2012. And the latest exhibits were opened just a few days ago.
The main part of The Museum of Warsaw is located right on the Old Town Market Place. There are other locations as well, among them the Museum of Praga and the Warsaw Barbican.

The main exhibition of the museum is called The Things of Warsaw and comprises of 21 rooms, each with a special theme. There are over 7000 original objects on exhibit.

In the basement you will find 3 thematic rooms:

The Warsaw Data
Here you can see some interesting infographics about Warsaw statistics through the ages:

Professions and denominations through the ages

How the symbol of Warsaw, the Mermaid, has been changing through the ages.

How the symbol of Warsaw, the Mermaid, has been changing through the ages.

The tallest structures through the ages.

The tallest structures through the ages.

The History of Tenement Houses
The story of the transformations of the northern side of the Market Place and architectural elements of each tenement house serve as a starting point for the discovery of events and figures connected to the site. These are presented not only in this part of the exhibition but also through descriptions placed in each of the Museum’s tenement houses. (from

Room of Archaeology
Here you can see many pieces of old pottery, glass, tiles etc that were found during the reconstructions of the Old Town.


Room of Architectural Details

Ground Floor

Room of Warsaw Mermaids
This place is full of different depictions of mermaids - big, small, old and new. Mermaid as a symbol of Warsaw can be seen on many artistic and everyday use objects. (Sorry, no photos)

Room of Warsaw Monuments
This is a collection of scaled models of some of the monuments that you can find in Warsaw.

Room of Souvenirs
There are many old souvenirs from Warsaw on display in this room. Starting 17th century, when travel became easier and faster, people started visiting different places and the interest in souvenirs grew. People were buying little things - cigarette holders, small boxes, plaques, napkins etc - with illustrations of famous places in Warsaw.

Room of Postcards
Over 9000 postcards showing old Warsaw are on display here.

Rooms of Plans and Maps of Warsaw
You can find here many beautiful plans of old Warsaw.

First Floor

Room of Warsaw Views
Over 400 items depicting different views of Warsaw, city buildings and streets.

Room of Photographs
The museum has an enormous collection of photographs which are in one way or another connected to Warsaw. They show many places in the city and also people who lived there. Only a small part of the photographs are on display.

There is also an interesting on-going photography project at the Museum of Warsaw. Every week one photo is printed and the visitors can decide where to place it on the walls. This way a big mosaic of the whole collection is going to be made.

This is the printer for printing these photographs.
Room of Architectural Drawings
Here you will find drawings of 19th and 20th century Warsaw.

Second Floor

Room of Silverware and Plated Silverware
So many beautiful items in this room - silverware, candle holders, vases, sugar bowls, platters ...

Room of Portraits

Room of Medals
Around 500 different medals, badges and medallions are displayed in this room.

Room of Bronzes
Bronze and brass casting started to be popular in Warsaw at the end of 18th century. Many everyday objects as well as ornamental items were made of bronze or brass.

Room of Clothing
You can see clothing and accessories dating back to 16th century as well as more modern 20th century wear.

Third Floor

Room of Warsaw Packaging
Very interesting display of different kinds of packaging from Warsaw companies - boxes for chocolates or sweets, cans for tea or coffee, liquor bottles.

Room of Patriotic Items
Many small objects with a theme of liberation movement are presented here - medals, badges, watches, jewelry.

Room of Relics
Here you can see items that were witnesses to many historical events during 19th and 20th centuries. They were all donated to the Museum by Varsovians.

Eyeglasses case with Black Madonna picture

The Ludwik Gocel Room
In 1964 a collector, Ludwik Gocel, has donated his November 1830-1831 Uprising and the Great Emigration  memorabilia and books collection to the Museum. Now it is displayed in one of the rooms.

Fourth Floor

The Schiele Room
In 2002 another family, the Schiele family, has donated their collection to the Museum. Among nearly 1000 items you can see graphics, furniture, pottery, military items etc. All these objects are arranged to fit in a small room.

Room of Warsaw Clocks
Big grandfather clocks, bracket clocks and watches, almost all in working condition, telling time and striking hours.

From the top floor you can see the roofs of Old Town and even further away.

For more information about The Museum of Warsaw please visit the museum's website HERE.


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