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Showing posts from November, 2013

Dziecko na Warsztat w Kuchni

CZEKOLADOWO PO JAPOŃSKU I RYŻOWO PO CHIŃSKU Po raz trzeci zapraszam na warsztat z cyklu Dziecko na Warsztat . W tym miesiącu zaszły małe zmiany, otóż zamiast z Tajwanu, piszę z ... Polski! Tak, tak chwilowo jesteśmy w Ojczyźnie. Jak na nazie tylko ja z dwójką młodszych dzieci, ale wkrótce dołączy do nas również najstarsza córka. W tym miesiącu ... siedzimy w kuchni i się objadamy pichcimy. Od razu pomyślałam sobie - o, temat dla naszego kucharza i piekarza, Jaśka! Jedenastoletni Jaś od dawna uwielbia przebywać w kuchni, pomagać, gotować, piec i oczywiście jeść. Zaczęłam się jednak zastanawiać co by tu przygotować specjalnego, gdyż Jaś w kuchni jest na codzień (przed wylotem z Tajwanu przygotował dla siostry i taty 26 kotletów mielonych by mieli co jeść jak nas nie będzie) i właściwie nie muszę go niczego uczyć bo on sam lubi eksperymentować. Tak więc zanim jeszcze wyjechaliśmy z Tajwanu udało mi się przekonać niegotującą szesnastolatkę by weszła na chwilę do kuchni. Spójrzcie...

Practical Life VI - Polishing silver

Last week I've introduced a new Practical Life exercise: polishing silver Materials: a dish with silver polishing paste (or good old plain toothpaste) a small cloth a small tarnished silver object (fork, spoon, ring) All the materials should be placed on a tray: The objective of this exercise is of course to clean the silver :-) Show the child how to dip the cloth in polishing paste (ours was very soft) and how to rub it onto the object that needs cleaning. The child may need to rub really hard to get the stubborn tarnish off. Show him that he needs to work on the whole object not only on one part and that he may need to reapply the paste onto the cloth or even change the cloth if it becomes too dirty. After the object is cleaned, remember to wash it in warm soapy water and dry it with a tea towel.  The big brother LOVES polishing silver so he just HAD TO help . Before and after

Ania's week at Babel School

More and more often people ask me how do I homeschool a three year old.  What does a three year old do at home? Let's take a look at Ania's week, here are some of the things he was busy with: Making bubbles - it's a favorite of all the kids. I also use play-dough as a material for teaching letter shapes. This is first time Ania rolled the play-dough to write her name. Time for math - it was Ania's idea to combine two different math works. Polishing silver is also one of the favorites. After polishing the silvers it's time to set the table. :-) Working with so called Montessori Metal Insets is important in developing the correct pencil grip as well as good control over the pencil (drawing parallel lines). Very often Ania takes a piece of paper, rolls it into a tube and looks through it. That gave me an idea to make with her binoculars out of toilet roll paper tubes. Now she carries them all over house and looks through th...