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Showing posts from September, 2012

Bolesław Śmiały - mind map

Back to learning Polish history and making mind maps about it. This time Zosia was reading about a Polish king from XI century. She used the mind map to put all the information in order.

Math Mind Map (in Polish)

Last week Zosia was learning about prisms and pyramids in geometry. To make things easier and clearer for her to remember and understand she created another mind map. Here it is:

Monkeys lapbook

After zebras lapbook it was time to make a lapbook about monkeys. Again the idea came from a wonderful website, full of resources for homeschoolers - Homeschool Share . Zosia helping Jas to do the lapbook layout. Front page by Jas and monkey cut-out by Zosia. Old World vs New World monkeys Learning new vocabulary Idioms with 'monkeys' Other info about monkeys

What we've learned today ...

Today only Jas and I were at home, he didn't even have any additional classes outside. This means that we've spent whole day working on our homeschooling lessons. Let me share with you what we have done throughout the day. Jas started the day with a math lesson - - multiplication problems. This is our science book from which we get ideas for many of the experiments. Making a switch for an electric circuit. Jas' on/off switch at work - lampion. After all the work with circuits, switches and electricity it was time for a few more math problems - long multiplication revision. Throughout the day we've been observing the sky and the clouds as Jas is learning about different kinds of clouds from the DK Eye Wonder book Weather . It was a very good day to observe the clouds - - as the weather was changing so were the clouds. After lunch it was time for Polish - we read two legends - Złota Kaczka and Smok Wawelski and Ja...

Circuit maze

Jas loves learning about electricity. He especially liked today's experiment in which we were checking if the current will flow through a maze made of aluminium foil. We made a maze out of strips of foil glued to a cardboard and checked the current flow using a light bulb and batteries (of course). hh

Studying the human body

  Kids are working well by themselves so I have a few minutes to post something about their work from a while ago. Zosia has been doing Sonlight Science F curriculum for a while now. She is actually almost finished with it. She likes learning about human body and she enjoys doing all the worksheets from "The Human Body" workbook. She always goes a step further, like with the simple exercise of putting all the parts of a head and all the body systems together: Other books included in the curriculum are from Usborne. All of them are beautifully illustarted, with lots of photos and links to the Internet.      

Limeryki (in Polish with English translation)

Limeryk (ang. limerick , od miasta Luimneach w Irlandii) — miniaturka liryczna; nonsensowny, groteskowy, wierszyk o skodyfikowanej budowie: pięć wersów o ustalonej liczbie sylab akcentowanych (w klasycznym limeryku wersy I, II i V liczą po trzy zestroje, a wersy III i IV – po dwa), układ rymów aabba , główne metrum: anapest lub amfibrach, trzeci i czwarty wers krótsze od pozostałych (zwykle o 2-3 sylaby), nazwa geograficzna w klauzuli pierwszego wersu (podstawa rymu a ). Utwór ten, który pod względem treści jest rymowaną anegdotą, ma też zwykle stały układ narracji: wprowadzenie bohatera i miejsca, w którym dzieje się akcja, w pierwszym wersie, zawiązanie akcji w wersie drugim (często wprowadzony jest tu drugi bohater), krótsze wersy trzeci i czwarty to kulminacja wątku dramatycznego, zaskakujące, najlepiej absurdalne rozwiązanie w wersie ostatnim.   -według Na ruchliwych ulicach Taipei, nie przechadza się Tuhaj-bej. Upał rozum odbiera, asfal...

More chemistry mind maps (in Polish)

Learning chemistry seems to be much easier for Zosia when she creates mind maps for the particular subject. Here are her latest creations: