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Showing posts from March, 2014

Animals Classification Lapbook

Last week Jaś has been very busy working on the animal classification lapbook. Lately it's been very difficult to get him interested in doing any kind of project, but to my surprise he has finished this lapbook in just a few days! I am really proud of him. I used a ready lapbook template from the wonderful Homeschool Share website, but I asked Jaś to writ all the information in his own handwriting instead of just printing the prepared text. Here are the photos of his lapbook: Jaś adding the finishing touches to the lapbook cover: Lapbook cover: The inside of the lapbook: Inside 'Classifying Living Things ': Animals with and without backbones are called:  Inside 'What are the four main Invertebrate Classes?': Inside 'What are the five Vertebrate Classes?': Mollusk characteristics Annelid characteristics: Arthropod characteristics: Echinoderm characteristics: Fish characteristics: Reptile char...

Another March Birthday

Two people in our family celebrate birthdays in March. In the beginning of the month was my birthday (you can read about it here ) and yesterday my husband's. Few days earlier Jaś started looking through all the cookbooks trying to decide which birthday cake to make. He couldn't find anything that I would agree for him to make (he was thinking of some fancy cakes, which we did not have ingredients for nor the time to make). At the end he made a sponge cake with a chocolate cream-cheese filling and chocolate butter cream frosting. It turned out really yummy! Zosia specialises in film-making, so the only thing she can think of is ... another film. Here is her present for the dad: And Ania made a card. :-)

Bryły i ich rodzaje

Trochę o BRYŁACH i MATEMATYCE dla trzylatków  Witam na kolejnej odsłonie "Dziecka na Warsztat", czyli comiesięcznego projektu blogujących mam, zainicjowanego przez Sabinę z Project Londyn 2014 . Tym razem tematem przewodnim jest ... królowa nauk ... MATEMATYKA.  Wiele osób, a szczególnie mam uczących swoje pociechy w domu, jest przerażonych perspektywą tłumaczenia matematyki. My mamy to szczęście, że zarówno ja jak i mąż lubimy matematykę i ... nie boimy się jej, a wręcz przeciwnie chętnie wytężamy swoje umysły przy różnych trudniejszych zadaniach.  Ucząc sama Zosię (16 lat - I klasa licealna), często spotykam się ze zdziwieniem i niedowierzaniem ze strony innych rodziców homeschoolingowych (i nie tylko), że niby w jaki sposób sama mogę uczyć matematyki na tym poziomie. Tajwańskie mamy uciekają od matematyki, a sprawdzając zadania dzieci posługują się kluczem/odpowiedziami zamieszczonymi w każdej książce ćwiczeń. Zosia uczy się z podręczników polskich, w któryc...

"My Favorite Things" for Mama

Just a few days ago I was celebrating my ... birthday. Somehow in our family we never do anything exciting for Tim's or my birthday (kids' birthdays are a different story). Zosia and Jaś sometimes remember and sometimes forget about their Parents' special day. Sometimes they come up with some great presents ideas and sometimes not. This year the day of my birthday was very busy, so Jaś did not have time to bake a cake for me. Early in the morning he had to go for science class and at noon all of us accompanied Zosia for her presentation about her 1st semester of homeschooling in high school. The presentation went very well, one of the professors in the panel from Bureau of Education even asked her to give a presentation to his students at the Teacher's College. Later I took Zosia for her university class and the younger kids back home. Busy, busy day! The special thing was a yummy dinner at an Italian restaurant with my hubby (no kids!). And today ... Zosia su...