We are back in Poland, but this time whole family is here. Zosia, just like last time, decided to go for a few days to a Polish middle school. She enjoyed her time with friends a lot, but thought that some of the lessons were a bit of a waste of time. She did like math and biology classes best. She didn't like all the note taking during Polish literature class. Jas has been doing math exercises and writing a journal almost every day. He's also been helping in the kitchen and going shopping with Dziadzia. The first two weeks we've spent in Warsaw, but now that Tim has come, we decided to see a bit of countryside. Today we drove to Europejska Wieś Bociania - Dworek Pentowo (European Stork Village) which is located between two national parks - Biebrzański i Narwiański Park Narodowy. We also visited the city of Białystok. The weather is not as nice as we would like it to be, but as long as it's not raining it's OK. The 108 years old house we are staying in. ...
A blog about multilingual and multicultural family homeschooling their two children in Taiwan, Poland and Japan. (Third "child" grew up, and after starting her own company decided to go to school in NYC.) Blog wielojęzycznej i wielokulturowej rodziny uczącej dwójkę dzieci w domu na Tajwanie, w Polsce i w Japonii. (Trzecie dziecię dorosło i po założeniu firmy w Japonii wyjechało na studia do Nowego Jorku.)