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Showing posts from December, 2013

Our days in Poland

Time in Poland has passed very quickly - we are already back in Taiwan. My plan of catching up with my blog has not worked out at all. How could I think that I would have more time in my Parents' house than at home? Although we didn't leave Warsaw and didn't even visit many places in the city, but ... I still didn't have time. In the mornings I tried to have an hour or two of lessons with Jaś. Later it was time to do some shopping, cleaning, cooking, baking for the coming Christmas. In the evenings we were either visiting friends or had visitors over at our house. Zosia was busy with ... her school. Every time she comes to Poland she visits a school that her friend goes to. She became good friends with all the kids in the class and likes participating in their lessons and activities. This time she not only attended a few days of school, but also took part in the gift exchange on St.Nicholas Day, helped sell cookies to raise the money for a class trip and joined oth...

Dziecko na Warsztat Świąteczny

ŚWIĄTECZNE ORIGAMI I NIE TYLKO Czwarta odsłona z cyklu Dziecko na Warsztat . Mamy grudzień, a więc czas przygotowań do Świąt Bożego Narodzenia. Od wielu lat w ten przedświąteczny czas zabieramy się do tworzenia różnych mniej lub bardziej ciekawych i oryginalnych ozdób choinkowych, kartek świątecznych i pyszności bożonarodzeniowych. W tym roku do pracy i kreatywności dodatkowo zmobilizowało nas Dziecko na Warsztat. Gdyby nie Ono, to pewnie bym sobie (i dzieciom) w tym roku odpuściła i niczego nie robiła. Dlaczego? Po prostu nie ma nas w domu - od miesiąca jesteśmy u Dziadków w Polsce. Niby to nic takiego, a jednak ... brak jakichkolwiek materiałów i miejsca do pracy działał niezbyt zachęcająco. I pomyśleć, że w domu na Tajwanie mam zgromadzonych tyle fajnych drobiazgów, z któ r ych można wyczarować mnóstwo ciekawych ozdób... Tak więc zapraszam na trochę okrojony warsztat bożonarodzeniowy: Z pomocą przyszła nam moja kochana koleżanka-plastyczka, która zorganizowała sobotnie z...

Homeschooling outing in Poland

Before we came to Poland I asked parents in a Polish homeschooling group whether there are going to be any outings, get-togethers during the time we will be in Warsaw. Soon after I got a reply from one of the parents saying that she will organise something. Yesterday we took part in the first outing -we went to a BioCEN - Centre for Innovative Bioscience Education ( BioCentrum Edukacji Naukowej ) for a lesson about DNA. Altogether there were 20 children, between 3rd and 6th grade, taking part in the lesson. Some children knew each other, others didn't. Only two moms stayed with the children during the lesson and to my surprise all the children were very well behaved (not like during some group classes in Taiwan where children speak without being asked, walk around the class, eat, drink, play with their phones and don't pay much attention to what the teacher is talking about). Here, before the class started, the children were asked to put their bags away and turn off their p...